
“always keep your eyes open. keep watching. because whatever you see can inspire you”


“always keep your eyes open. keep watching. because whatever you see can inspire you”

as seen in

just click the product names below each image to shop


Home Beautiful

Manto Console in Black

Home Beautiful

Cabana Tangier Cushion


“the best things in life, are not things” - mark .d. sikes

“the best things in life, are not things” - mark .d. sikes

use of images




We are happy for our lifestyle and product images to be used, based on approved request from potential stockists; press and social media accounts.

Online retailers must agree to 'terms & conditions' before being provided with product images. 

We love a good social media post, but ask that images are tagged with @canvasandsasson where possible.


Just get in touch to find out more and/or request images from our library


“stick to things you really love. an honest room is always up to date” - billy baldwin

“stick to things you really love. an honest room is always up to date” - billy baldwin